Quiz Result
Diagnosis: Short Sightedness
Imagine that these diagnoses are like complexes, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that directly impact your ability to serve a true legacy. This is what we consider a legacy disorder – a distorted view of legacy.
Legacy Disorder is a fundamental driver of our control vs. True Legacy which comes from an ultimate driver of service and altruism.
Your Legacy Disorder is Comparison
The Thief of Joy
Shortsightedness is defined by an attachment to instant gratification and thus an absence of discipline required to think in the long term. This often manifests as addiction to the pursuit of pleasure – even at the expense of what is morally right or engaging in decision making that will be detrimental. But lacking the self control to sacrifice the momentary pleasure for that longer-term desire.
In the context of legacy, the pursuit of instant gratification and pleasure seeking has a clear impact on your ability to think altruistically. As the discipline and intrinsic power of self-control is lacking, this affects your ability to be responsible and demonstrate true integrity and leadership.
How can I feel good right now?
Develop the self-control to relinquish superficial attachments and work towards meaningful long-term goals and visions. To develop the discipline required to think about and act on the actualization of your true legacy.
Belief System Alterations
I lead with integrity.
I am self responsible.
I am trustworthy.
I have a strong sense of self control.
I am intrinsically motivated.
I am content as I am.
If you want to integrate and effortlessly align to your new belief system and reality, download the inTruth App
Want to create a legacy that shapes the future of humanity?
My latest book, Legacy Disorder offers a pathway of rehabilitation from Legacy Disorder to the claiming and embodiment of true legacy.